Ad Blocking, Whitelisting und Advertiser Competition


Video: WIFO Research Seminar von Martin Peitz

Martin Peitz von der Universität Mannheim sprach am 26. April 2023 in einem WIFO Research Seminar über Ad Blocking, Whitelisting und Advertiser Competition. Der Vortrag wurde im Anschluss von WIFO-Konsulent Schmidt-Dengler kommentiert.


Martin Peitz (Universität Mannheim)
WIFO Research Seminar, Österreichisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Wien, 26.04.2023 12:30,
Veranstalter: Österreichisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung
Online seit: 13.04.2023 0:00
We consider a market environment with a monopoly ad blocker that offers whitelisting to two publishers. Advertisers post ads on the publishers websites to attract the attention of consumers (who visit both publishers). Since advertisers are competing in the marketplace, an advertiser may have an incentive to foreclose its competitor through excessive advertising. We fully characterise the equilibrium in which ad blocker, publishers, and advertisers make strategic pricing decisions. Under some conditions, the ad blocker profitably sells whitelisting to one publisher and both publishers are strictly better off than without the ad blocker. Under other conditions, not only publishers but also either advertisers or consumers are worse off.
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Mag. Dr. Agnes Kügler, MSc

Forschungsgruppe: Industrie-, Innovations- und internationale Ökonomie
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